Couples Programs
Invest in revitalizing your relationship
It’s no secret that relationships require work. Treating your relationship with the same kind of effort you put into other important aspects of your life—your finances, your home, your children—is key for success. But often, couples put their relationship second and don’t seek help when it begins to weaken—waiting until resentment has built up to a point where separation seems like the only option. With the right knowledge, desire and skills, every couple can have a successful relationship.
Creative Relationship Center provides services in:
But over time, life gets in the way…careers, children, aging parents, and mostly our egos. Poor communication skills, lack of trust or conflict skills can all invite divorce and the breakdown of a couple or family leaving us anxious, irritable and frightened. Ending a relationship through divorce can feel even worse.
At CRC, you will see a therapist trained in relationship skills and who is sensitive to the issues that couples face. We work together to uncover and working through your concerns without judgment or blame. During the course of these sessions, you and your partner will develop critical communication tools and begin to see your relationship strengthen and ultimately succeed. Creative Relationship Center provides services in:
- Learning to free yourself from fear
- Reconnect with your partner
- Enjoy healthier boundaries
- Feel appreciated and valued
- Communicate better
- Experience a deeper level of commitment
Make the change you want to see!
There can be times when individuals in a relationship are on different stages, experiencing different things, or are struggling with communication. This disconnection can be quite stressful and disconcerting. Perhaps you find yourself ready for a transformation within your relationship, but your partner is not, or doesn't see the value. Perhaps there is trauma in one of your backgrounds that keeps rearing its ugly head whenever there is a conflict.What should you do?
If you are longing to create a better relationship for you and your partner, you can take the first steps! It only takes one willing person to be the catalyst for change. With a shift in perspective, you can begin to create the connection and relationship that you desire.Pre-marriage Workshop:
The pre-marriage workshop crafts the basis for the success of a lifetime marriage! The skills and preparation needed to make a marriage last do not come easy, but the facilitators of this workshop will help set you on the path to overcoming problems. With the pre-marriage workshop you will be on your way to achieving a strong and healthy marriage!Communication Strategies:
This workshop for couples aims to improve the ways in which the partners communicate and relate to each other. A healthy relationship includes open and honest communication as well as active listening. While these skills sound easy to practice, many couples find that they can benefit from learning how to put these skills to proper use.A Course in Forgiveness:
When we hold on to hurts from our past it affects your life daily. If you have experienced loss, abandonment, betrayal, neglect or rejection in an important relationship, then you know how painful and damaging this can be. Whether you need to forgive your spouse, your ex, your mother or yourself, forgiveness is the one thing that can enable you to heal.Communication Strategies for Co-Parenting:
This communication workshop is geared toward helping individuals who are co-parenting to find effective ways of understanding and listening to each other, while avoiding miscommunications and misconceptions. While parents may not always agree, it is important to remain open and find a common ground in order to facilitate a healthy co-parenting situation.Anger Management:
Everyone has moments when they get angry and feel overwhelmed. The key is how this anger is handled. When anger is disproportionate to the situation, hard to manage, or negatively affecting our daily lives then anger management may be a great solution. This workshop will help examine triggers and offer techniques to manage or eliminate chronic anger.Stress Relief for Life:
Stress happens to everyone! What matters is how you manage it, and your perspective on stress. This workshop will help you to personally find beneficial ways to deal with stress and alternatives of how to perceive and understand stress.Rebuilding When Your Relationship Falls Apart:
The loss of your marriage or committed relationship is one of the hardest life changes you will ever experience. Divorce and separation cause confusion, anger and fear for the future. To move forward, there are many steps to take that require new skills ... and you’ll learn them here. The Creative Relationship Center “Rebuilding” workshop will help you transform the ending of your love relationship from a crisis into a creative experience from which you will grow. A crisis causes emotional and psychological pain that some people try to avoid. Sometimes that pain is so unbearable that it keeps us stuck instead of moving forward! However, when you embrace the pain as motivation to grow and adjust, you take charge of your life.A Course In Miracles:
Relationships can be difficult. We don’t usually know what we are doing and often simply hope for the best when we get married. But what if we found out there was a much easier way to have great relationships? What if we found out that we could be our BEST before your relationship could thrive? What if we found out there is so much more out there for us if we just knew how to let it in? Come work with a great group of people who want to succeed at their marriages, families and businesses…before it’s too late.Should We Stay or Should We Go?
This program is for couples who are trying to decide whether or not to end their marital commitment. It is a big step, and not one to take lightly. Couples will participate in 3 (2 hour) sessions. We will focus only on the issues of staying vs separating and how that will affect the two of you, your family and your futures. This is not therapy. It is a highly engaging and honest opportunity to investigate all options of the marriage before you embark on a life altering change.Couples on the Brink has a proven success rate in terms of helping couples plunge forward into Marital Mediation, Therapy, or Divorce.
What if we can work it out? What if we can go from being on the brink to being back in love? Talking it through when you’re hurting takes courage and compassion. This program is for couples who both wish to reconcile, shed their old ways of perceiving things and are ready to begin again.
Divorce Reconsidered™ is an investment for couples who are turning back to their marriage as valuable resource for happiness, success and satisfaction. Done in weekend retreat style, it is a wonderful way to open up and learn about yourself and your partner to create, or recreate, the depth of commitment and love partners seek in each other.
What are the differences between "marital counseling" and "marital mediation"?
There is a distinct difference between marriage therapy and marital mediation. And yes, couples are often helped by marital mediation when marital counseling has failed to help them.Marital counseling is performed by a range of professionals, mostly with training and background in mental health areas, such as social work and psychology. It generally involves diagnosis, therapy and treatment of personalities within the marriage and relationship problems. Its purpose is to treat the individuals in the relationship in order to understand the breakdown of the marriage and provide a healthier avenue for both parties to rebuild. By understanding each person’s personality and family baggage, they can help both people understand behaviors that have become disturbing within the marriage and to help alleviate marital conflict.
Marital mediation is different in that it is about dispute resolution. Settling differences is an important part of every marriage, and without the proper skill set, the marriage suffers. It is often the petty, little annoyances in a marriage that take the greatest toll on couples and can lead to divorce. These are easily identified and resolved by mediation techniques.
Marital mediation is also helpful if one partner is resistant to seeing a therapist. Marital mediation is goal and task oriented, time limited and practical. It can be used in conjunction with couples counseling or by itself.
How much is YOUR relationship worth?
Weddings can be extremely expensive, and last only one day. A good marriage will last a lifetime. Most people have never thought about it in financial terms, but if you are thinking about spending a lot of money on your wedding, have you ever considered investing in the future success of your lifetime marriage?Most people don’t think they will ever divorce but sadly half do. It takes hard work to stay in a relationship, and very few people are prepared for the time and energy it takes to keep their marriage healthy and strong. Many couples don't have the necessary skills and preparation to overcome problems when they occur – and they will occur…for everyone!
A long-term relationship is an investment, and treating it with the same care you treat your finances will ensure that you will both be able to depend on it for your future!
Creative Relationship Center can help you build the skills it takes to make a successful marriage and get you on the road to a more secure future, starting today!
For more on Pre-Marriage, see our workshop here.